The Financial Investment Litigation Team represents banks, securities companies, asset management companies, financial product sellers, trust companies, financial institutions and financial investment companies, management-participating private equity funds (PEFs), and other institutional investors, or We are carrying out a lawsuit for returning investment money and claiming damages related to derivatives, stocks, and other investment products. In addition, the Financial Investment Litigation Team includes disputes over management-participating private equity fund (PEF), indirect investment assets, and investment trust assets, as well as investment agreements between general individuals or between companies and institutions. We are showing excellent business performance by consulting and litigation on disputes over partnerships and union relations. In addition, the Financial Investment Litigation Team is conducting advisory and litigation related to real estate finance, real estate implementation and investment projects such as PF (project financing).
The Financial Investment Litigation Team deals with the issues involving convertible bond acquisition contract (CB), a bond acquisition contract (BW), convertible redeemable preferred stock acquisition contract (RCPS), shareholder agreement (SHA), and stocks that accompany investments related to real estate and real estate finance. We provide advice on transfer agreements (SPA), stock option agreements, partnership agreements, investment agreements, and subcontracts.
■ Learn more about the recent winning cases of the Financial Investment Litigation Team >