


  • Introduction
  • Major Deals and Cases
  • Recent Winning Cases
  • Publocations


The Special Administrative Litigation team is formed to defend the clients in appeal cases against administrative agency's disposition or omission, or the cases involving legal relations resulting from disposition of administrative agency or the public litigation cases filed to seek correction or remedy where an agency of the state or public organization commits an act that violates the law. We try to prevent the infringement of the rights or interests of the citizens and clients by the administrative agency.

The Special Administrative Litigation Team resolves the disputes through administrative litigation and administrative trials arising from cancellation or invalidation of various licensing or rejection dispositions of administrative offices excluding tax administration, lawsuits to increase amount of expropriation compensation, a lawsuit related to development restricted areas, a lawsuit related to redevelopment and reconstruction, a lawsuit related to the status of teachers and public officials, various disputes arising in legal relations under public law, such as lawsuits related to veterans compensation.



Practice Areas

  • Procedure for cancellation or invalidation of the disposition or rejection of the administrative agency
  • Litigation related to land expropriation
  • Litigation related to development restricted area
  • Litigation related to redevelopment and reconstruction
  • Litigation related to the status of teachers and public officials
  • Litigation related to national merit and veterans compensation
  • School violence Litigation
  • Litigation related to disclosure of information
  • Providing various advisory services for civil complaints against the administrative office
  • Administrative adjudication on the disposition of the administrative agency