Hanyang University, Graduate School of Engineering (Master in Architectural Engineering, 2004)
Naval Judge Advocate (1988-1991)
Prosecutor, Incheon District Public Prosecutors’ Office (1991-1993)
Prosecutor, Busan District Public Prosecutors’ Office, Ulsan Branch (1993-1995)
Prosecutor, Seoul District Public Prosecutors’ Office, Eastern Branch (1995-1996)
Law Offices of BumSang Lee (1996-2002)
Ilshin Law Office (2002-2005)
Hwang Mok Park (2006-2014)
Lecturer for construction dispute and litigation practice, Korea Productivity Center (2005-Present)
Professor, Kwangwoon University, Graduate School of Construction Legal Affairs (2007-Present)
professor, Youngsan University, Graduate School of Legal Affairs and Business Administration, Real Estate and Construction practice coursework (2007)
Adjunct faculty, Hanyang University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Infrastructure Management, (2008-2009)
Office of Court Administration construction audit improvement research group (2013-2014)
Partner, Dongin Law Group (2014-Present)
1. Redevelopment/Reconstruction related claims
Represented clients in the claim for affirmation of nullity of resolution of reconstruction association members’ meeting
Represented reconstruction associations in claims for return of deposit/adjusted money against constructors
Represented clients in claim for drawing service fee against reconstruction association
2. Contract money claim for construction companies
Claim for general contract money
Claim for contract money in relation to nonpayment thereof due to late fees
3. Damages for defect repairs
Represented clients in damage claims in relation to defect repairs brought by resident representative board
4. Subcontractrelated claims
Claims for subcontract money
Claims related to direct payment of subcontract mone
5. Right of light and right of a view claims
Damage claims related to right of light and right of a view and represented contractors in preliminary injunction prohibiting construction
Won in preliminary injunction prohibiting construction in president of Booyoung v. president of Shinsege case
6. Claims related to joint suppliers
Represented joint suppliers in claims for contract money
Represented joint suppliers in damage claims for defect repairs
7. Third party damage claims incurred by construction
Represented neighborhood residents in preliminary injunction prohibiting construction against constructors due to building cracks, noise, dirt, shaking, etc.
Represented constructors in injunctions prohibiting interference with construction
8. Claim for drawing and construction supervision fee and damage claims
Claims for unpaid drawing service fee due to termination of drawing service contracts
Damage claims for defective drawing and negligent construction supervision
9. Administrative proceedings related to suspension of business and penalty of construction companies and supervision companies
10. Criminal case related to construction
Represented supervision companies in relation to collapse of Gajua station collapse accident (acquittal)
Represented supervision companies in relation to death from a fall from Uijungbu light rail transport bridge construction structure (acquittal)
11. Advised on various constructionrelated cases
Defect in A** Apartment
Approval of Use
BTL Project
Advance payment, withdrawal from joint suppliers, mechanics lien of joint suppliers
seizure of contract money and preliminary seizure
Other construction related legal issues
Publications and Materials
research on countermeasures against civil petitions and litigations in construction of large buildings (Master’s thesis in construction, Hanyang University architectural engineering, 2004)
construction litigation practice (2010, 3rd edition)